Purpose: The Fan Guide is a great tool to get gameday information to your fans. This article will outline what the fan guide is, as well as some common items seen in fan guides, and how to create a new fan guide card.

What is the Fan Guide?

The Fan Guide feature was build to give our partners an app section to house an unlimited amount of content related to gameday and your different programs. The Fan Guide card shows up on the home screen card navigation, and clicking into the Fan Guide opens a 2nd navigation page to get to specific pieces of content.

Common Uses

Gameday information
  • parking info
  • stadium policies
  • tailgating rules
  • clear bag policy
Digital Game Program
  • game previews
  • players to watch
  • team descriptions
  • interactive games
Program Culture Highlights
  • fight song
  • hall of fame
  • donations
  • past conference champions

How to Set It Up

Step 1: In the portal, navigate to “Operations” -> “Guide”.

Step 2: At the top of this Guide page, you can enter the title and subtitle of the card that will show up on the home screen of the app. Names like “Game Program”, “Fan Information”, or “Fan Guide” are common titles for the home screen.

Step 3: Add properly sized card and banner images on this page as well. The card image will show up on the home screen. The banner image will display once the card is opened up.

Step 4: At the bottom of the page, you can add as many sub-guide-cards as you’d like. Each piece of content requires a title, subtitle, properly sized imagery (detail & card), and description.

Step 5: Publish the sub-guide-cards in the order you’d like the content to appear in the app. Once published, you can check the app to make sure the content looks as expected!  


Guide cards not in the order you like?  Click into each card and set the 'Display Order' in the order you'd like to see them appear in the app! Ex. 1, 2, 3, etc.