
Let your fans know about your rewards program; incentivize downloads!


At Games

  • PA reads about the rewards program
  • Reminders about the rewards program at the student ticketing area
  • Signage at the games
  • Gamification - announce at a game that you need to check-in for a chance to win ____ which will be handed out at halftime
    • This gives fans an immediate incentive to download and sign up


  • Social posts about the program; specifically calling attention to high value prizes, double point nights, etc.
  • Permanent place on the website with information about the program
  • Student email lists are another great place to promote the app and the program to students

Other Events

  • Promote the program at watch parties & tailgates
    • You can even make those events check-in locations so fans can signup and immediately earn points
  • Student orientations are the best place to get new students involved with the program
    • Don't forget to send push notifications to fans reminding them to come to games and check-in
    • We don't want them to forget that they signed up!
  • Preseason kickoff events