PURPOSE: FOR NON-FANX PLUS MEMBERS. Learn how to add a new roster and add/edit new players. You will need to update rosters at the beginning of each season. Find the information you need below.

Creating a Team Roster

1.     Within the portal, navigate to the "Imports" > "Import Data" page. In the upper right hand corner of the page, you will see an "Excel Templates" list with various excel templates to be download. For our purposes, we will need the Player Roster template. 

    NOTE: To add a coaching roster use the Coach Roster excel template.

2.     Using the downloaded Player Roster template, fill the designated columns with as much information as available. The columns that are bolded need to be filled, but from a fan perspective, we want to fill in as much data as possible. 

See the video below for helpful tips when using the excel template!

Importing a New Roster

Now that we've created the roster in excel and have saved it to our device, it is time to import it into the Portal. In the same page where you found the Player Roster template, we will follow a simple path to add the roster.

1. Under "Data Source" select Excel Spreadsheet.

2Under "Data Type" select Player Roster. (select coach roster if importing coaches)

3. Under "Select Team" click on the team that correctly corresponds with the roster.

4. Under "Select File" drag & drop or click the "Upload File" box to import the correct roster.

5. After dropping the correct file, click the green "Start Import" button - the screen will load into a new window

6. In the list of players on the new window, you should see "Valid" in green text next to each name. If a name reads             "Invalid", a red box will appear with text that tells you what data is not being read correctly.

7. Click the green "Finalize Import" button to submit the roster into staged players.

Publishing New Players

There is one last step to finish importing the new roster. From the excel spreadsheet, our Portal has created a new player for each of the names. We must now publish the players to see them within the app.

1. Navigate to "Sports" > "Players" in the Portal.

2. Click "Staged" in the upper right hand corner of the page.

3. Filter the staged players using the "Filter by Team" dropdown.

4. Click the empty box to the left of "First Name" to select all staged players.

5. Click the "Group Actions" dropdown and select "Publish __ Records" to finish publishing your roster.

NOTE: Go to "Sports" > "Coaches" and follow steps 2-5 above to publish new coaches

Editing Individual Players & Coaches

To edit players, whether that be a position change, new bio, or new headshot, filter and select the individual player in the "Sports" > "Players" page. Here your will be able to change any information that you would have previously entered via an excel spreadsheet.