Purpose: There is a lot of information on certain pages in the portal. With many of these pages, we display all of the information in a list. This article will help you understand all of the different aspects in a list view.

Portal Basics - List Views

You'll see this same "list view" interface all over the FanX portal.  See below for all the ins and outs of this view.


1. Group Actions:  If you want to Publish, Stage, or Delete multiple items at once, use the group actions dropdown after selecting one or more records.

2. Add new:  This button will open up a window that allows you to add a new record to the back end. Once saved, the new record will be in the staged folder.

3. Filter By Team:   Use Filter By Team to see all events/entries for a single team. Ex. I want to make edits to all varsity football games, I use this filter to see just those games.

4. Filter By Sport:   Use Filter By Sport to view the records of only one sport at a time. Useful when wanting to view all Men's Basketball games, whether varsity, JV, or Freshman

5. Published, Staged, Deleted:   The three folders that records can live in. The published folder is what will show in the app. The staged folder is for items you are working on but aren’t ready to publish. And the deleted folder is for items that were once in the app, but no longer should be shown. You are able to publish items from the deleted folder still.

6. Select All/Select Specific Events:  Check the top box to select all records on the page. Alternatively, select multiple games, players, coaches, etc. by using the boxes next to each entry. Once desired entries are selected, use a group action (see #1) to either Publish, Stage, or Delete the selected items.

7.  Drag & Drop Image Area:  Drag & Drop images into this area to attach them to the record.  For games you can attach an event image and opponent logo; for players you can attach player headshots or action shots.

8. Actions:   Depending on the specific page, there may be multiple items under 'Actions'. A trash can will send that specific entry to the deleted folder. A check mark will send something from the staged or deleted folder to the published folder. A fire symbol will permanently delete something in the deleted folder.