Purpose: There are a lot of great things you can use geofencing with in the FanX platform. This article will give you a basic rundown of the features you can use geofencing with, as well as some FAQs so your fans can get the best experience while using their FanX app.

Features That Utilize Geofencing

Notifications: push notifications to your fans at the arena or within another specified geofenced location. This ensures that venue-specific information only gets distributed to those at the venue.

Promotions: While promotions don't need geofencing to work, you can use geofencing in tandem with promotions to provide venue-specific incentives. This can be a coupon to a local sponsor, or even just pushing out digital programs to people at the game.

Rewards: The FanX Rewards product functions in large part thanks to geofencing. Fans can earn points for attending events, and using those points to redeem prizes. In order to check in to games, fans need to be within the specified geofenced range at the time of the game, and they'll be able to earn their points for attending the game.

FAQs About Geofencing

Q: How do fans activate geofencing capabilities for their app?

A: When fans open their app for the first time, the app will prompt them to opt-in for location services. For the best geofencing experience, fans should select 'Always Allow'. This will allow them to receive notifications and promotions even when they're not in the app.

Selecting 'Allow While Using the App' will allow fans to see any geofenced promotions, and will allow them to check in for rewards. Fans can change these settings at any time in their phone settings, or within the app in the 'More' menu, then the 'Settings' option.

Q: I was seeing a geofenced promotion, but now it is gone. Where did it go?

A: Geofenced content will only show up while in the specified location. This means if a fan receives an offer while in the geofenced location, and leaves, that offer will also disappear from the app. To ensure fans are able to redeem prizes, prompting them to screenshot the offer before they leave is encouraged.

Q: Can I send fans a notification as soon as they enter a specific location?

A: Currently, we do not support 'threshold' notifications. A threshold notification activates as soon as a fan enters a specified geofenced range. Currently, the FanX platform only supports 'Point in Time' notifications, when a notification gets sent out a specified scheduled time.

If you have other questions regarding geofencing, reach out to your Customer Success Coach!